La Maddalena
La Maddalena harbour
An easy afternoon trip...
There are many picturesque excursions to be made in Northern Gallura: visiting Capo Testa at the northern-most tip of Sardinia right opposite Corsica, the wild endless beach at Rena Majiore or, our favourite, taking the ferry from Palau to La Maddalena.
After a 20' ride north you reach the picturesque fisherman and tourist village of Palau where you board the ferry. Its just a short hop across to the island where you can do a number of things: take the scenic route around the island including, if you have time, Caprera where you will find the Italian national hero's - Garibaldi - home, have a lunch in one of the many restaurants it town or rent a boat to visit several islands in the archipelago. Exciting stuff!